It’s just a tool, but is it the right tool?

I'm a big fan of drawing on my iPad. I have been doing this for years and use it with almost every branding project for making sketches digital before I bring them into Illustrator. It's just a tool. Like a paint brush, camera or a website platform. If you pick a tool that is too difficult for you to use or in the case of a website, too difficult to update and scale it might not be the right tool for you.

I hear from clients all the time that they want help setting up a website but they will update it themselves. I love this and encourage this. I don't do web maintenance (except on my sites) and if you have a website you should know how to update basic things. It's faster and more affordable than sending changes to someone else. Save the money for bigger changes and functionality and 3rd-party integration help. (Please don't expect someone to make changes for free or "shoe-string budgets” unless they offer.)

This is where I encourage people to think out their short and long term plans for the site. Who will make the updates? Does the platform you are using offer the tools and functionality now that will help you scale in 1-5 years as your business grows or changes?

Free versions of web hosting are not always best. Picking a platform that requires understanding code and 3rd party widget integration could be a deal breaker for updates if you don't understand how it works.

How much is your time worth? Is your time free? Paying someone who has experience and can take the tech stress off of you could very well be worth your time and money.

Also consider reaching out to colleagues and social networks to see who is using what tool and what are their strengths and weaknesses. Do those issues apply to your situation? This can save you a ton of time and frustration in the long run.

PS My favorite iPad apps are Procreate and Art Set!

#website #UX #UI #SquareSpace #smallbuisness #workflow #Tech #iPad #procreate #artset


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